In One Ear and Into Someone Else’s

I think everyone in my school, worth talking about, has been talked about. I mean the nerdy girl in the front row of the class won’t be talked about but the drug addict and nympomanic in the back row will be. It’s just common sense. I think that some people even cause some of their problems so that people do talk about them. I have always kind of been friends with the same group of people because at first, all of our parents were friends and then we became just as close, if not closer, but we still have all been given the cold shoulder because of a rumor, true or not.

The reason I bring this up is because just today one of my best friends confided a secret in me that our other best friend’s famous sister is going to rehab for a drug problem. I told her to not spread that anymore but of course I wanted to know more. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I felt so bad for her sister, my friend, and the rest of my friend’s family, but gossip is gossip and I was glad to know. I am not one to spread gossip but I think most girls are get giddy when someone tells us a rumor that we already know. The point to all this is now the girl with the sister and a few of other people are really really mad at the girl who told me. I think getting angry with gossip is totally hypocritical. Gossip is everywhere. It’s in US Magazine, it’s being spread in classrooms, at parties, in the girl’s bathroom. I bet everyone has contributed a bit to gossip. But about my friends, I’m not on any sides because if I was , I could be the next victim of these rumors.

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